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pmrep命令我们一般用的最多的是它的导入和导出功能,本文主要对这两个命令介绍下。导入和导出功能可以让用户将元数据导出至其它业务智能工具或从其它业务智能工具导入元数据,例如 Cognos Report Net 和 Business Object。

pmrep>objectimport -help
Usage: objectimport
[-l ]
[-p (retain persistent value)]

1、-i input_xml_file_name,要导入的object(通常是xml格式)文件名称。
2、-c control_file_name,控制文件名。
3、-l log_file_name ,日志文件名称。


pmrep objectimport -i wf_IMPORT_TEST.XML -c test.xml -l wf_test.log


pmrep>objectexport -h
Usage: objectexport
[-t ]
[-v ]
[-f ]} |
-i }
[-m (export pk-fk dependency)]
[-s (export objects referred by shortcut)]
[-b (export non-reusable dependents)]
[-r (export reusable dependents)]
[-l ]

1、-n object_name,需要导出的workflow名称。
2、-o object_type,导出的object类型,可以是”workflow”。
3、-f folder_name ,需要导出的workflow的存放文件夹。
4、-s -b -r:这三个参数可以使导出的workflow中包含所有map的信息。
5、-u xml_output_file_name,要导出的workflow保存文件名。


pmrep objectexport -n wf_name -o workflow -f folder_name -s -b -r -u exportfilename


$ pmrep -help

Informatica(r) PMREP, version [8.6.0 HotFix9], build [392.0525], AIX 64-bit
Copyright (c) Informatica Corporation 1994 – 2009
All Rights Reserved.
This Software may be protected by U.S. Patent Numbers 6,208,990; 6,044,374; 6,014,670; 6,032,158; 5,794,246; 6,339,775; 6,850,947; 6,895,471; 7,254,590 and other U.S. Patents Pending.

Invoked at Wed Dec 30 17:17:09 2015

Usage: pmrep run
[-o ]
[-e (echo commands)]
[-s (stop at first error)]
[-u (UTF-8 encoded script file and output file)]

Usage: pmrep connect
{-d |
{-h -o }}
[-s ]
[-x |
-X ]]
[-t ]

Usage: pmrep create
[-s ]
[-p |
-P ]
[-g (create global repository)]
[-v (enable object versioning)]

Usage: pmrep delete
[-x |
-X ]
[-f (forceful delete: unregisters local repositories and deletes)]

Usage: pmrep upgrade
[-x |
-X ]

Usage: pmrep restore
[-s ]
[-p |
-P ]
[-g (create global repository)]
[-y (enable object versioning)]
[-b (skip workflow and session logs)]
[-j (skip deployment group history)]
[-q (skip MX data)]
[-f (skip task statistics)]
[-a (as new repository)]
[-e (exit if domain name in the binary file is different from current domain name)]

Usage: pmrep backup
[-d ]
[-f (overwrite existing output file)]
[-b (skip workflow and session logs)]
[-j (skip deploy group history)]
[-q (skip MX data)]
[-v (skip task statistics)]

Usage: pmrep registerplugin
[-e (update plug-in)]
[-w |
-W ]
[-k (CRC check on security library)]]
[-N (is native plug-in)]

Usage: pmrep unregisterplugin
-l [-s (is security module)
[-g (remove user-name-login mapping)]
{-w |
-W }]

Usage: pmrep updatestatistics

Usage: pmrep updateemailaddr

Usage: pmrep updatetargprefix
-s [.]
[-t ]
-p [-n (use target instance name; not using -n gives old, deprecated behavior)]

Usage: pmrep updatesrcprefix
-s [.]
[-t ]
-p [-n (use source instance name; not using -n gives old, deprecated behavior)]

Usage: pmrep updateseqgenvals
[-m ]
[-s ]
[-e ]
[-i ]
[-c ]

Usage: pmrep listobjects
[-t ]
[-f ]
[-c ]
[-r ]
[-l ]
[-b (verbose)]

Usage: pmrep listtablesbysess
-s [.]
-t (source or target)

Usage: pmrep createconnection
[-p |
-P ]
[-c (required for Oracle, Informix, DB2 and ODBC)]
[-r (valid for Oracle connection only)]
[-e ]
[-f ]
[-z (valid for Sybase ASE and MS SQL Server connection)]
[-b (valid for Sybase ASE, Teradata and MS SQL Server connection)]
[-v (valid for Sybase ASE and MS SQL Server connection)]
[-d (valid for MS SQL Server connection only)]
[-t (enable trusted connection, valid for MS SQL Server connection only)]
[-a (valid for Teradata connection only)]
[-x (enable advanced security, lets users give Read, Write and Execute permissions only for themselves.)]
[-k (attributes have the format name=value;name=value; and so on)]

Usage: pmrep switchconnection
-o -n

Usage: pmrep deleteconnection
[-f (force delete)]
[ -s ]

Usage: pmrep listconnections
[-t (output includes connection subtype)]

Usage: pmrep getconnectiondetails
